2024 4th of July Festival Volunteer Form

 Step 1 of 1

The biggest challenge that the Noblesville Fourth of July Festival Planning Committee faces each year is finding enough volunteers to staff the festival and parade so we thank you for your interest. The city is seeking organizations, businesses and individuals that would like to assist with the event in 2.5-hour shifts. Each organization is able to adopt as many stations as they believe can fill with volunteers from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Organizations can wear matching T-shirts or volunteer vests.

The Fourth of July Committee will provide each volunteer the following: 

  • Free T-shirt and other goodies
  • Free meal and drink during the event
  • Recognition for your group or organization
  • Hands on experience with one of the largest events in Noblesville

Organizations may earn in-kind trade or discounted rates for facility rentals. Organizations volunteering with at least 10 volunteers and reaching 20 hours of service can earn a free 4-hour court or shelter rental redeemable Monday through Thursday, excluding tournament rentals and Holidays, once a quarter. Quarters are January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December. To volunteer or for more information, contact Robert Herrington or call (317) 776-6324.

* Denotes a required field
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Have you volunteered for the July 4th Festival before?*
T-shirt Size (Adult sizes only)*